Walkwood C of E Middle School

Agent Details
Walkwood C of E Middle School
Feckenham Road
B97 5AQ
Tel: 01527 543361
Operating in Redditch
Additional Details
Middle school in Redditch. About Us Principles and purpose At Walkwood Church of England Middle School we: • Value each individual as a unique creation in the image of God. “God blesses those people who are like trees growing beside a stream, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves.” Psalm 1: 3 • Allow each person to grow personally, socially and spiritually as they explore their God-given potentials. “I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name.” John 15: 16 • Deliver a broad curriculum that allows knowledge, learning skills and fruitful living to be intertwined. Vision “The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. He lets me rest in grassy meadows; he leads me to restful waters; he keeps me alive. He guides me in proper paths for the sake of his good name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no danger because you are with me. Your rod and your staff protect me.” Psalm 23: 1-4 There is much comfort in the words of Psalm 23, and these have echoed through Church history in times of difficulty. The Lord God looks after those who follow, providing sustenance in the meadow, indicating the appropriate path of travel, even when circumstances are dark and foreboding. And at times when the individual feels under attack, the Lord provides protection. Christ is The Good Shepherd. He provided the face-to-face guidance, being the most holy and profound prophet, acting as pastor to His folk. The commission He gave instructs that His followers are themselves to tend the people who are committed to their own care: Jesus asked a second time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter answered, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you!” “Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus told him. John 21: 16 Therefore, the approach of our school is to f