St Johns Middle School

Agent Details
St Johns Middle School
Watt Close,
B61 7DH
01527 832376
Operating in Bromsgrove
Additional Details
Middle School Our vision is to be a school where every individual in our community is valued and enabled to flourish as a child of God; where education impacts upon the whole-person, and care and concern for others is key. We seek to be a truly inclusive community where all can 'Give of their Best', achieve their full God-given potential, be good citizens and respect difference in our growing global world. Inclusive - God wants to embrace all of humanity and gives value to each person. God loves all and gives all people the opportunity to receive his love and be part of his family. We reflect that vision by being a school community that seeks to include all, by giving each person value, dignity and an opportunity to belong and participate. "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” (John 3.16)