Church Hill Big Local

Agent Details
Church Hill Big Local
Green Lane, Studley
B80 7EY
01527 962800 or 07577 475331
Operating in Redditch
Additional Details
Who we are? Church Hill Big Local Charity will continue in the footsteps of CHBL Partnership with the same passion, drive and commitment from our Volunteers. The shared vision of our residents, organisations and businesses to provide opportunities for Church Hill residents remains. We will strive to continue making lasting change and a real difference to the local community. What we plan to achieve .... Communities - Communities will be better able to identify local needs and take action in response to them. Better Skills - Increased skills and confidence, enabling the community to identify and respond to future needs. Making a Difference - The community will make a difference to the needs it priorities. A Better Place to Live - Members of the local community will feel that their area is an even better place to live.